A disorder that results from abnormal growth of the bones of the neck (cervical vertebrae) and degeneration and mineral deposits in the cushions between the vertebrae (cervical disks).

Cervical spondylosis results from chronic degeneration of the cushions between the neck vertebrae (cervical disks) and mineral deposits (calcification) in the disks. There may be abnormal growths or “spurs” on the vertebrae (the bones of the spine).

This causes gradual compression of one or more of the nerve roots, resulting in progressive pain and movement or sensation abnormalities that resemble herniated cervical disk but are usually less severe. The spinal cord may be compressed (spinal cord trauma) with resultant movement or sensation or function losses of the areas controlled at and below the level of compression.

Risks include old neck injury (which may have occurred several years previously). However, the disorder also occurs commonly in older people who have no history of neck injury. It is thought to result from normal changes of aging.

Symptoms neck pain (may radiate to the arms or shoulder), loss of sensation or abnormal sensations of the shoulder, arms, or (rarely) legs, weakness of the arms or (rarely) legs, difficulty moving the head, neck stiffness that progressively worsens, headaches, particularly in the back of the head, loss of control of the bladder or bowels (if spinal cord is compressed), loss of balance, ear noise / buzzing, muscle weakness (decreased muscle strength, independent of exercise) in the shoulders, arms, or hands

In homoeopathy medicine like Aurum met, Sangu, Rhus tox, Ruta, Cimicifuga, Kali carb are used for the treatment. The proper analysis of the case with the qualified homoeopathic physician will give the better results.

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